When Discipline Leads to Shame
The childhood experience is more than just a moment of nostalgia; it is the crucial point where we define the way we value and approach our emotions.
Brand Assets of 2020
For the first time, I’ll be documenting and celebrating marketing assets that defined my year. Each of these assets come from a wide range of businesses and industries, but in their own way have made my year less daunting, more inspired, and better informed.
Tools that helped me live through 2020
Throughout my year of social hibernation and isolation, I managed to discover tools that helped me stay productive and live better.
The songs of 2020
Every year I've kept my tradition to compile and select the music that mattered to me. This year felt more important than ever. The following are in no specific order, but I've kept my last song as the epitome of what I think 2020 has been.
Professional and Personal
Before I studied group counselling, my academic journey was disconnected with the personal life that I was living. But after finishing the module, I can experience a unique marriage of both my counselling education and professional career.